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“It is more blessed to give than to receive
— Acts 20:35b

As the PSLE exams near the corner, the older brothers and sisters from BlazeInC Youth started an initiative to prepare study packs for the P6s. Jing Xuan and Edric shared with the P6s how God guided them through their major exams and encouraged them, before the rest of the BlazeInCers came to the class to bring some joy and cheer.

As part of living out the BlazeInC Youths mission, we believe in showing love to everyone and verbalising encouragement and support for one another.

We truly want to bless the P6s. Join us as we pray for all P6s taking their first major exams:

  • Good quality sleep

  • Good time management and focus when they revise

  • Speed, accuracy and good memory recall when they do their papers

  • That they will draw nearer to God and experience His provisions


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