Over the 2 days, Pastor Clark Taylor showed us the work of the Holy Spirit in amazing ways.
The touch of the Holy Spirit, God’s healing power, the miracles of God has changed many lives. To deny that is to deny a full life – a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Read these testimonies of how people were blessed and be encouraged!
"Every word that Pastor Clark preached made me tear up. When he asked us to come on stage to receive a blessing, I felt the urge to go up. I walked up to the stage with many others and Pastor Clark prayed for me and I was on the ground. I was oblivious of what was happening and started tearing up. I was unconscious for a while. I tried to get up but felt a strong resistance pulling me down. In another session, when Pastor Clark asked people to come up to receive healing, I decided to go back up. (I had a large tissue blocking my airway, causing many problems. If it doesn’t disappear for a month, then surgery is required.)
I was prayed for and again, I fell back. That day was unforgettable and meaningful as not only did I experience a supernatural event, but the Lord also came and touched me." – Glen Lim
“I had chronic pain for 10 years. The pain can get very severe even if I do not move. When Pastor Taylor prayed for me, I felt an extreme pain at my ankle. This was not my usual pain. Today I’m able to move my ankle slightly. God is definitely doing something great in my life. I just need to trust & obey Him in every day of my life.
— Ming Ying
"Pastor Clark Taylor is like a long expected Western movie. People have been talking about him, how he is able to hear from God and make Jesus his friend. His greatest imparted gift from our Lord is word of knowledge. You just can’t get enough of it. As the saying goes, “lock stock and barrel.” Who else do you want to turn to? There is no get-away from God. What role are you willing to play? Amen." – Ben Choong
"Thank God that I made two precious resolutions resulting from God speaking to me through Ps Clark's teachings: to diligently practise becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit in me, and to think biblical truths in every situation especially the difficult ones. Now, when I pray for people, I am more conscious of the Holy Spirit working with me and through me. As I had learnt that my feeling will follow my thinking, I am inspired to reinforce my constant conviction of studying and meditating on His Word so that I will always think His truths. The imperative of being entwined with God and the pursuit of it have taken a much greater significance in my life. My desire to minister in God's resurrection power at a higher level looks more possible as I now have a firmer handle to make it happen. To God's glory, during the first session at healing ministry time, as I stretched out my hand towards the person being prayed for, I felt the Holy Spirit's presence and in-filling strongly. I was prayed for thrice-for own healing, as proxy and for impartation. In all these instances, I experienced God's awesome presence and His power coming into me. I believe God has healed me and those I stood proxy for and await the manifestations of His healing. Praise be to our Great God!" - Evelyn
“I am really thankful to be part of the Holy spirit Conference. God is doing wonderful things through him with in-depth teaching about the Holy Spirit and His Works. It reminds me that ministry is nothing without the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the One who leads us to our destiny. As a Pastor and a worshipper, I understand that our messages and our songs, cannot transform or change people’s lives if the Holy Spirit doesn’t work through us. I thank Pastor Clark for releasing the anointing upon us, praying for us, and bringing us into a deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit. He is not young anymore, but He is so powerful because the Holy Spirit is working wonderfully through him. God Bless You.
— Ps David Herson
For the last 3 months, I have been experiencing discomfort and pain in my feet due to 2 large bunions. Though I was very worried, I sought, prayed and wrestled with Him everyday for complete healing. I told the Lord that if He still wants me to serve Him and His people through what I’m doing currently, He has to give me a pair of strong feet to enable me to move around without discomfort. I cannot remember the exact day but 2 weeks before the Clark Taylor Seminar in March, I realized the pain in my feet is gone! I may have did things that would have exacerbated my bunions while I am working with the team members on the Clark Taylor Seminar project but Praise the Lord the pain in my both feet did not return, miraculously. Thank You Jesus for You care for my feet. You are the GOD who heals me and You are the Lord our Healer. I will always believe in your promise that is written in Psalm 18:33-36. Amen. – Yen Pheng
“On Saturday evening, on my way to the conference, I was having a very bad backache. When he prayed a mass prayer and I stood up after, the pain had left me. On the following Thursday when I went to the hospital for my blood test results, I was informed that my sugar and my cholesterol level had dropped way below the acceptable level. Praise God.
— Christina Cheong
The seminar was amazing! Messages were simple. All you need is the love of God and your love for God. – Jessmyn
“I had eczema condition all over my body and it has tormented me for 4 years. At the Clark Taylor Seminar, I had this great desire to be healed and I told the Lord I wanted to be healed. While the message was being shared, the swelling on my arm went down and the itch disappeared. I believe healing process has already taken place and it will be complete. For by His stripes, we are healed. Amen.
— Tai Kian Heng
“I could see the joy of the Lord in Pastor Clark Taylor, the full reliance and trust in God.
— Glenn Chia