Sparks Online
We thank God for a faithful and creative children’s ministry team, encouraging ministry partners and supportive parents, coming together to bring our children’s programme online. It took us some time to overcome being tech dinosaurs and learn new skills such as using tech tools like Zoom and Kahoot to engage and teach our Sparks children interactively online.
We are on a journey through the Bible, using The Gospel Project curriculum, and have recently completed the book of Acts. Our online programme has all the elements of our onsite programme:
☼ Starting with Welcome and opening Prayer, Rules to lay expectations for fruitful learning and remembering our Offerings.
♛ Encountering God through Praise and Worship led by Uncle Quentin on his ukulele, accompanied by his children, Katelyn and Nathaniel or Uncle Samuel on his guitar.
👓 Introduction to the week’s Bible lesson through watching The Gospel Project video together.
🔭 Breakout into p1&2, p3&4, p5&6, with our level teachers for a time of small group learning: quiz, games, reflection on the character of God through a God Attribute, drawing out the children’s response through a Power Point Challenge for their lives and memory verse.
🙏 Closing Prayer and Announcement.
Though it may seem an uphill task to bring our children’s ministry onsite again, we sense our God’s heartbeat in keeping our children and church family together, enabling us as teachers to speak into the lives of the children, faithfully planting the seeds of spiritual growth that will steadily and surely blossom into trees of life in Christ.
Glow & Glimmer Online and Onsite
Some parents ask us, “How do you hold the attention of these little ones for G&G online?” We have no hesitation in answering, “Come and see! Teachers Yvonne, Vivienne and Yuet Min, Aunty Nancy and Fion, are pure dynamite!”
Parents are welcome to help their little ones log on and join in a fast-paced half an hour programme with:
v Worship songs and prayer
v Bible video and story
v Quiz, games and memory verse
v Craft related to the Bible lesson to reinforce the children’s learning.
We thank our church staff team, teachers and parent volunteers for making it possible for the Glow children to return onsite, over 2 Sundays in April 2021. The children had a blast! Some were overheard asking, “Why end so soon?” though onsite services last an hour!
G&G is currently online. We hope to return onsite again soon.
Fort Canning Outings
Days before our p5&6 outing to Fort Canning Hill in April 2021, Singapore was engulfed in torrential rains. Flash floods covered many areas after the heaviest rainfall in 40 years. Esther, Aunty Fion’s daughter, helpfully checked the weather forecast and said, “Mummy, it’s rain on Sunday.” Daddy God blessed us, as Sunday morning dawned sunny and bright.
Just like the p3&4s in March, the p5&6s trooped up Fort Canning Hill, seeking out vistas of the Lighthouse, as we settled ourselves on the grass at Raffles Garden.
The children were initially gentle and shy as they bonded over Whacko and Broken Telephone with Aunty Jeannette and Uncle Samuel.Finally, they got comfortable “whacking” one another and racing around, just soaking up the sunshine, enjoying healthy doses of vitamin C and God’s face smiling down upon His children as they learn about what it means to be part of God’s family. Even through these difficult times, we can help and share God’s love with one another, bringing forth light to the nations as beacons for Jesus.