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Sunday, 18 December - Wednesday, 21 December

Memorable and insightful – was how BlazeInCers chose to remember this camp. This year, our camp theme was “Turning The World Upside-Down”, based on the verse on Acts 17:6:

“But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city officials, shouting: “These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here”.

On the morning of 18 December, BlazeInC youths ambled into the multi-purpose hall with their camp bags. Each had a relaxed smile across their faces, relieved of the stress from examinations. We were ready for more activities for the holidays!

The Amazing Race got everyone fired up to complete the missions to earn as many points as they can for their group. Each team were required to go to different mission sites manned by the station masters, which were scattered along the shopping belt of Orchard and Somerset area. Though it wasn’t an easy feat with all the time, effort and travelling needed, every team pressed on to reach the end of the race. Not only did everyone complete the race, but members in each team had also warmed up to each other. We then headed to ACS Barker campsite to prepare for the night. Daniel, our camp speaker left a deep impression of what it meant to have a passionate love for God. It inspired us to further open our hearts to worship our Father throughout the camp.

The next day awaited more games and activities. The youths, dressed in sports attire, assembled together to board the bus to Punggol Park. We spent the day playing Captains’ Ball… with a twist! Instead of using a ball, we used a cauliflower and a soap bar. We ended our day cycling across the Park and had so much fun despite having to stop for a while due to the pouring rain.

During the night session, Daniel continued on the lesson of dying to self.

“In order to change the world, we must first change ourselves.

It was as if the Word had come to life as we caught hold of a fresh understanding of Daniel’s teaching. We were all dead in our old lives but have become alive in our spirit as children of God. Many of us made a decision to take a step forward in faith to be rid off our old selves.

Time was flying by and it was already the third day of camp! During the team-building games, teams were given the task as missionaries to conquer obstacles set out by the leaders in order to earn keys to change the world and turn the world upside down. Despite feeling emotionally and physically exhausted after the team-building games, the youths felt a sense of achievement as they realised that it was in the strength of their whole team that they had overcome the tasks. Each station also did not lack opportunities for the youths to take back life’s lessons in order to play their part as world-changers.

With much anticipation, the last night finally came. Everyone came with hearts desiring to hear the Lord and see His amazing power. Daniel concluded with impartation of the Holy Spirit. He encouraged those who wanted to be touched by the Holy Spirit, to step out to receive. God’s presence was even stronger this time. The youths broke out into loud singing and dancing. Tears streamed down faces as the Spirit fell upon us so powerfully. It was as if our flame was lit once more and we were blazing with passion to seek the Lord. The night ended with all of us worshipping the Lord with all our might and proclaiming His name to show the world His might and our love for Him. It was a joyous sight as it gave the youth a tangible view of how amazing God was.

Compared to the other camps, this camp proved to be different. God revealed to us His plans for BlazeInC, and yes, there will be changes. We want to set our vision to go forth to glorify God. Together, we set our goals to make sure that we can continue moving forward in our faith, instead of backwards and repeating the cycle again.

No Matter How Young Or Small We Are, We Are Going To Be The Change. The Change That Can Turn The World Upside Down In God’s Name.


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