Over the weekend, BlazeInC held a mini camp with the intention to integrate the P6s and forge stronger bonds between the youths. We also had our very first TJO as a youth ministry that day. 3 weeks before, we prepared 60 blessing packs with snacks, drinks and soap bars along with handmade cards of gratitude. We split up into 3 groups and travelled on foot in the Hillview area to bless some of the construction workers and security guards working that day. After giving out the packs, we did prayer walks and settled down at lunch for a discussion about what we experienced. It was a good exposure overall for the kids. Here are some of the reflections by the youths:
“We were blessed to serve and give Christmas wishes to the migrant workers as well as cleaners in the mall. Some of the workers opened the snacks and ate after we left them. They were really appreciative, one or two wary at first but happy in the end.
“We saw an ambulance and we knew that that symbolises someone being injured or sick. The kids reflected and realised how God has always protected them and kept them safe from all sorts of danger. They then prayed for the people in the ambulance and thanked the Lord for His protection. They also saw the construction workers and security Guards and greeted them and prayed for them for their hard work and safety in doing their jobs.
“We got rejected by some but we moved on. There was a group of workers having a rest break, they were friendly and kindly accepted the gifts and even asked us where we were from. So we told them that we were from Cairnhill Methodist Church. My group enjoyed themselves doing the TJO and interacting with the public. But naturally, the younger kids seem shyer so they just gave and go. But could see their effort creating conversation with them.
We had a short period of games, dinner and worship, followed by a message from Ps William. He shared with the youths about the 2018 Church-wide theme: Greater Impartation, Greater Impact. Impartation sounds like a big word that carries a heavy responsibility. However, Ps William told each and every one of the youths that we all can impart in small ways - through our actions and words when we are in our group of friends. In this way, we can impact our friends and be a good witness for Christ!